Trustees Present:                             Cllr Fischel - Chairman

                                                                Cllrs Hammond, Hedley, Nicholson, & Russell.

Also Present:                                     David Fischel - Chairman of Ashurst Cricket Club                

                                                                Steve Nyahoe - Chairman of Partridge Green Football Club                   

In attendance:                                 Elizabeth Leggo – Clerk


3 members of the public were also present.


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.


  1. Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Cllr Jesse.


  1. Declaration of Members’ Interests

None for this meeting.


  1. To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting of Thursday 1st October 2020

The minutes were agreed and signed by the Chairman as a true record of the meeting.


  1. Update on actions since the last AGM
  • As previously agreed, grass cutting is taking place less frequently to save money.
  • The Clerk had secured a better rate for the electricity and water using Utility Aid.
  • Payment has been received from WSCC for the use of the Ground by the Primary School for both 2019-20 and 2020-21.
  • Covid restrictions have gone, and the Chairman has removed the final sign from the Ground!
  • The Trust had commissioned an expert’s report on the large oak tree in the car park at the Ground. Following this, work has now been carried out on it, including potassium injections.
  • A grant had been given by the Woodland Trust for 420 saplings. Because of the problems with water-logging, a new drainage ditch had been put in. The Trustees were delighted to be assisted by children of Ashurst Primary School in the planting of these saplings earlier this year.


  1. Accounts

The Clerk has completed the Annual Return for the Charity Commission for 2020/21. The income for the year was £4,560.00 and expenditure £3,359.96.

Income was received from West Sussex County Council on behalf of Ashurst Primary School, Partridge Green Football Club and Ashurst Parish Council for the financial year 2020/21. The principal item of expenditure once again was the grass cutting at £1,836, water and electricity came to £328 and the play equipment inspections, £144.

In this financial year the electricity has been billed at £4 per month as the Trust is in credit.

  1. Reports from
    1. Primary School - See Appendix i) attached.
    2. Cricket Club - See Appendix ii) attached.



  • Football Club

Steve Nyahoe, Chairman of Partridge Green Football Club (PGFC) gave the following update:

Covid has made it difficult for the Club. A lot of games could not be played. For some games, club facilities were not being used. The first and second team managers had also both resigned.


The Club still carries on, but Mr Nyahoe could not commit to a long-term agreement. However, he suggested that he would telephone the Clerk and offer to pay £40-50 per game, which would likely be when the weather is wet. The Club could give 24-48 hours’ notice on this match-by-match basis.

Cllr Fischel advised that the water has been turned off to the John Eaton Hut due to inactivity.


  1. Update of Ground and Buildings

The Chairman advised that the Trustees had recently met up on the Recreation Ground in order to inspect both the Ground and the Buildings.


The Ground  -

The planted trees were doing very well but would need some attention next summer – clearing round their roots, weeding and watering. It was to be hoped that the Residents and school children may be called upon to assist in a Spring Recreation Ground clear-up.


All the trees on the Recreation Ground have been inspected and, where necessary, had had the dead wood removed.


It was agreed that some time would be needed for the Cricket and Football Clubs to assess what their future usage might be - so for the moment we would be expecting limited income from these two sources and this would be on a match-by-match basis.


One of the benches on the Recreation Ground is in a poor condition and the Trustees have agreed to arrange for this to be replaced.


Buildings - Meanwhile the Trustees had inspected the 2 buildings and have decided that it makes sense to combine the two existing buildings into one, on the current site of the John Eaton Hut. The question now is whether we can adapt the John Eaton hut to suit our needs or, failing that, we would plan to build a simple Sports Building on roughly the existing footprint. It needs to be easy and inexpensive to maintain (eg no showers). We are anxious to follow as environmentally friendly a rebuild as possible.


In the meantime, we will try, with minimum outlay, to make the pavilion as user friendly as possible for this year’s Dog Show. This will include a coat of paint prior to the show!


  1. Questions from the floor


A member of the public had raised a question about the holes where the football goal posts are. Mr Nyahoe from PGFC agreed that he would organise covering over the holes with fitted caps.


  1. Any other business

No other matters were raised.


  1. Date of the next Recreation Ground AGM: Thursday 29th September 2022


The Chairman of the Trustees closed the meeting at 7.30PM



Signed:  ____________________________                        Dated:  _____________________________

Appendix 1.     Primary School

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to contribute to tonight's meeting even though we are not able to be there in person. We are pleased to report that the school is enjoying a little normality, we are however mindful that that could change at any time. We have really enjoyed strengthening our links with the church, the parish and the locality and have been able to meet with people once again at 'Harvest', 'New Beginnings' and most recently 'Advent' services. 'Open the Book' have been able to come into school this term and I am delighted to report that further dates have been set for next year. We have been developing our 'Growing Partnerships' agreement with the local Parishes and this has been the subject of several discussions as to how the school and the community can support and work together for the common good. 


We are, as always, grateful for the opportunity afforded to us by the Parish Council and the residents of Ashurst to use the recreation ground. We continue to use it for sports provision as well as playtimes and were fortunate to have the use of it for our sport's day last year, which although somewhat strange without any spectators, allowed us to return to some sense of normality for the children. It is a wonderful space and the children have a greater connection with it following the successful tree planting venture early last year. We at school hope that this good partnership between our school and the Parish Council will be able to continue long into the future. 


with kind regards

Mrs S Smith

on behalf of everyone at Ashurst CE Aided Primary School 


Appendix ii.       Cricket Club

David Fischel, Chairman of Ashurst Cricket Club attended the meeting. Mr Fischel reported as follows:

The last cricket played on the recreation ground was a few games in 2019. 

Since then, COVID issues have made it unrealistic to revive regular cricket in either 2020 or 2021.

The cricket square has however been maintained and with relatively little extra work could be brought back to a useable state.

We reported in 2019 the difficulties of attracting sufficient players to traditional village cricket in Ashurst .

We are not alone in the village cricket world in facing this issue.

An increasing trend has been for villages to merge their cricket activities with another village and/or let out their ground to larger clubs to provide them with additional capacity for matches or training.

We propose to investigate the above  possibilities , in the first instance with Steyning cricket club.

I believe it would be positive for the village and the recreation ground if we could get some cricket going again in 2022 .

As per the minutes of the last meeting , the realistic approach to payment for use of the Recreation Ground is a per game basis until more regular usage is re-established.

The pavilion itself is a separate agenda item for this meeting. Cricket equipment is stored in the pavilion all year round , particularly in the winter to free up the John Eaton hut for football , with use of the John Eaton hut for matches and some equipment in the summer.

David Fischel

Chairman , Ashurst Cricket Club