

Cllr Fischel

Ashurst Parish Council (APC)

Cllrs Russell and Knight

Horsham District Council (HDC)

Victoria Finnegan and Nicholas Marks


Emily Simpson


There were no members of the public.


1. Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Councillor Nicholson which Councillors RESOLVED to accept.

2. Declaration of Members’ Interests, notification of changes to Members’ Interests, and consideration of any requests for dispensation

There were none.

3. Public Session

4. Approve the Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of 21st August 2023

It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes from the last meeting as a true and accurate record.

5. Reports from District Councillors

District Councillor, Victoria Finnegan, discussed PDAGS (Policy Development Advisory Groups) and, whilst neither she nor Nicholas Marks sit on the group, they will attend should Steyning or Ashurst ever be involved. She also reminded Councillors of the Climate Action questionnaire for businesses and said the deadline was October 13th.

  She mentioned the Horsham District Local Plan and said a high priority for HDC was to now finalise it as quickly as possible. Cabinet members were due to meet this month when they would agree the timelines for the Local Plan. She advised that, once the Plan is in place, there would be better protection and defence against appeals.

 Gatwick was briefly mentioned and how the Inspector had agreed that the additional runway could be considered.

 She also reported that HDC had lost some staff recently, including a senior planning officer. This was largely due to wage issues.   

 With regards to water neutrality, it was confirmed that HDC was unable to approve applications unless water neutrality within that development had been demonstrated. Previously, matters that had been reserved could go ahead in planning. Even reserve cases, however, had to prove water neutrality before they could progress any further.

 Victoria confirmed that all parishes were now represented at HALC, which was a first, and there was currently a small green budget available for good biodiversity projects.

 The District Councillors discussed some of their objectives which included protection of rivers as well as contributing to the Local Plan and ensuring higher standards of building works as well as an increase in biodiversity in the area. Nicholas Marks also discussed cycling and his passion to link up villages with cycle routes.

 6. HALC update

The Chairman had attended the HALC AGM which took place on 26th July. The new leader of HDC - Martin Boffey - had spoken about the challenges facing the new Horsham District Council. There were 27 new councillors so a lot of catching up to be done, in particular when it came to agreeing the new corporate plan. The new council will make a point of listening to Local and Parish councillors!

 Details of the Horsham Local Plan had not yet been disclosed because there was considerable commercial sensitivity surrounding current favoured sites. Subsequent meetings were due to be held for individual parishes. The Chair was unavailable to attend the meeting for Ashurst and so asked if anyone else was able to attend?

 7. Planning Applications

  • Jessups Farm Honeybridge Lane Ashurst West Sussex

Case No: DC/23/1662 Proposal: Application to confirm the use of a former farm building as a self-contained residential dwelling began more than four years before the date of this application (Certificate of Lawful Existing).


Councillors noted the above application but agreed not to comment.


  • Jessups Farm Honeybridge Lane Ashurst West Sussex

Case No: DC/23/1679 Application to confirm the continued use of mobile home as residential dwelling for over 10 years (Certificate Existing Lawful Development) 


Councillors noted the above application but agreed not to comment.


8. Planning Decisions from HDC

 Application Number: DC/23/1172

Site: Honeybridge Farm Honeybridge Lane Ashurst West Sussex BN44 3AW

Description: Application to confirm the continuous use of land and buildings for residential purposes ancillary to Honeybridge Farm, Honeybridge Lane, for a period in excess of ten years (Lawful Development Certificate - Existing).

Decision: Application Permitted

Date of Decision: 08/08/2023

Councillors acknowledged the above planning decision from Horsham District Council. 


9. Planning Appeals Lodged

There were none.

10.Payments and bank reconciliation

  • The Clerk presented the latest bank reconciliation (14th September 2023) which showed a balance of £16,328.14 (See Appendix 1) and detailed all expenditure as below since the last meeting on 12th July, which Councillors RESOLVED to approve.


Date 13.9.23

Payee: Sussex Land Services (grass catting – July)

Amount:  282.86

Date 13.9.23

Payee: E Simpson (salary July)

Amount: 237.43

Date 13.9.23

Payee: E Simpson (salary August)

Amount:  237.43

Date 13.9.23

Payee: Envirochem (Legionella testing – J Eaton Hut)

Amount: 20.64

Date 13.9.23

Payee: HALC (membership for 2023-24)

Amount:  20.00

Date 1.9.23

Payee: PWLB (loan repayment)

Amount: 1,412.25




The Clerk reminded Councillors that payments usually made by the Recreation Ground were being paid by the Council out of funds granted by the Council to the Recreation Ground as per the 2023-24 budget.


  • The Clerk advised that an internal auditor needed to be appointed for the 2023-24 council year. After discussion, Councillors AGREED to appoint existing internal auditors, Mulberry & Co, for another year.

11. Recreation Ground

  • To receive a report on the Recreation Ground Trust’s income and expenditure since the meeting on 10th May 2023.

The Clerk reported that the bank balance as of 20th September 2023 was £8,185.69.

Expenditure since the last meeting: (paid through the Parish account as above).


Date: 13.9.23

Payee: Sussex Land Services (July 2023)

Amount:  282.86

Date: 13.9.23

Payee: Envirochem (Legionella testing of J Eaton Hut)

Amount:  20.64




  • The Clerk confirmed that the new account with Lloyds for the Recreation Ground had now been opened so the Chair and Clerk were in the process of closing the current account with HSBC and transferring the funds across.


  • The Chair advised that the potassium phosphite solution to the oak tree located at the corner of the car park, adjacent to the main road, had still not yet been applied but should be done very soon.


  • With regard to the rebuild/replacement of the John Eaton Hut, the Chair confirmed that a date in October had been agreed for the councillors to visit some neighbouring cricket and tennis clubs so they could get a better feel of what they did and did not want for a new Sports building. Once this exercise had been carried out, the Chair would report back to the Council and then arrange for architects to attend a future meeting to discuss a formal brief.

12. Consultation on Speed Restrictions at Bines Green

 To review the responses to the Council’s consultation in relation to:

  • West Grinstead Parish Council’s proposal to extend the 40mph speed limit along Bines Road.

Given the low number of responses (36 in total) with no convincing endorsement of the proposal, Councillors AGREED, after discussion, to remain neutral regarding this proposal.

  • Ashurst Parish Council’s proposal to implement a 40mph speed limit north of

Ashurst village, equivalent to the existing 40mph limit to the south of the village.

                In this case the proposal seemed to be well supported. After discussion, Councillors AGREED to defer any decision until the next Council meeting regarding this proposal.   

13. Rampion

Councillor Knight confirmed that Rampion’s application order had been accepted for examination by the Planning Inspectorate on 7th September. Representations on this application were now invited, with a deadline of 6th November 2023.


14. Correspondence

 There was none.


Date of next meeting: Thursday 16th November at 7.30pm.


The Chairman closed the meeting at 8:16pm.


Signed …………………………………………………….                            Date …………………….


Appendix 1

Bank reconciliation – September 14th 2023

Closing balance 14th September 2023


Add: outstanding receipts


Less: outstanding payments

Net balances


Cashbook (balance as of 1st April 2023)


Add receipts (from 1st April - 13th September 2023)     


Less payments (from 1st April - 13th September 2023)


Net balance


Closing balance 14th September 2023


Add: outstanding receipts


Less: outstanding payments